
Aweta's service is unrivaled in the industry. Everything to ensure that any problem that can occur with the Aweta machine is resolved as quickly as possible with minimal downtime and effort on your part. Our service team is ready to support you anywhere in the world and at any time.


Do you have a problem or a technical question? Contact us by phone or email.

Helpdesk ticket

Do you have a problem or a technical question? Contact us via the customer portal.


Would you like to request or purchase new parts? Contact us by phone or email.

Maintenance & Upgrades

Would you like to schedule an appointment with one of our technicians? Contact us by phone or email.


We assist you with questions on functioning of your Aweta equipment, and help detecting and solving problems. We help you with ordering spare parts and can arrange a technician for on-site visit or offer you online support.

  • We can be reached by email and phone during office hours: 08:00 - 17:00 (CET +1)
  • There is an extended service available for support from 05:00 - 23:00 (CET +1)
  • We also offer 24/7 availability, please ask for our conditions

Maintenance and upgrades

We offer regular maintenance on your equipment to prevent unwanted breakdowns and downtime. The maintenance visit includes adjusting the machine and replacement of wear parts. During maintenance we update your software and check your machine camera and sensor settings where necessary; in order to give you a clean and fresh start of the season. In many cases we can also help you to upgrade your current equipment to use the latest camera or information processing technology.

Up-time packages

We can provide up-time packages which consists of all parts in your equipment that wear over time. It also contains parts that are prone to failure over time. With this package you protect yourself against downtime, you warrant yourself to be up and running again without the hassle of last-minute ordering and excessive shipping cost. The package comes with a checklist for easy replenishment.

Repair and spare parts

In the event of a breakdown or malfunction on your equipment our field service engineers are available for on-site visit. We also supply you with our quality parts. Carefully packed and shipped. Contact us and we kindly help you to identify your needs and get it to you as quickly as possible.

Flow Master Premium Releases

Every Aweta installation comes with Flow Master, the most user-friendly control platform for the sorting machine. Operators can easily configure the machine and receive visual feedback to optimize sorting settings. Flow Master is continuously improved and with an automated update service, customers can independently update to the latest version without the help of Aweta service support. For new machines, the premium version is included for the first year. After one year, Aweta charges an annual fee to continue using the premium version. You can keep using the basic version for free.

If you're interested in upgrading your system, contact us via email at or by phone at +31 88 668 8080.


Learn to make the most of your state-of-the-art sorting technology with trainings from Aweta. Improve productivity and quality with simple controls and deep understanding of our advanced systems. Choose for a local training in the Netherlands, Italy, he US, or at your own facility. Our experts provide guidance in quality sorting, including analysis of results and tips for your Aweta Camera System. Receive a certificate upon completion. Get more out of your investment!