Advanced pear sorting machine

01 декабря 2019

Aweta launched its advanced sorting machine for large fruit and vegetables: the Cup XL machine.  This machine is particularly suitable for sorting various elongated pear varieties, like Conference, Abate, Fetel and other similar fruit. Read more about our newest sorting machine and its features.

news advanced pear sorting machine large

Sorting various elongated pear varieties

The Cup XL machine is designed to handle large products thanks to the wide singulator brushes and cups. The elongated pear rotates perfectly under the camera for a complete 3D image of the product without damaging your precious fruit. The transition from the singulator to the carrier is smooth, gentle, accurate and quiet. The cup 330 is specifically designed for elongated pears and it can handle round products as well. The products position themselves more stable in the cups, allowing a higher weighting accuracy. Due to the newly designed mechanical setup, a machine speed of five products per second can be achieved.

Technology for best pear quality

Aweta reacts on the high market demand for the quality of pears with our state-of the-art sensor technology. Our advanced Twin Vision Hyperspectral camera system is able to detect external characteristics of pears and other large round fruit. The hyperspectral cameras are able to differentiate between on-skin defects and through-skin decays. For internal defects our customers use Pear Inscan system. This system has been specifically designed for elongated pears to non-destructively measure and remove the internal browning or any internal decay from your batch.

news advanced pear sorting machine technology

User-friendly interface

Our new designed user friendly interface, Flow Master, is an integrated plant solution that is used to control your quality, articles and order-management. Flow Master allows customers to control their sorting and packing needs in a very simple and efficient way and can even integrate the results in any existing ERP system. Flow Master is an extensive feedback tool for all parties involved; from operator to 3rd party exporter and management.

news advanced pear sorting machine interface

More information

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