Flow master premium version update: Report Engine & Product Quality Inspector

10 December 2024

Flow Master is the most flexible and user-friendly system on the market. It enables our customers to manage their sorting and packing needs with remarkable simplicity and efficiency. The system is available in two versions: Basic and Premium. The Premium version includes regular updates and new features introduced every few months. 

Flow Master Basic And Premium 

The table below provides an overview of the Basic and Premium versions of Flow Master. Every few months, we will update you with the latest improvements and enhancements available in the paid version, Flow Master Premium. Please note that these updates are not included in the Basic version, although the system will always remain functional. Updates are delivered via an online connection and can be installed without the need for Helpdesk support. If you're interested in upgrading your system, please contact us.


Flow Master Premium Update: Report Engine 

The Flow Master Report Engine consists of two parts:

1. Reports
The reports give the user the possibility to monitor the Key Performance Indicators of a current or a previously sorted lot. In the standard version of Flow Master we also have lot reports. These lot reports have fixed form, but can be used for the current active lot & for previously sorted lots. The new Report Engine gives the user some benefits:

  • The user can change the content of a report or add new reports without the need of an Aweta engineer
  • The report creation wizard uses an easy to understand drag and drop interface to build custom reports
  • Reports can use new created parts to show quality sorting and use rich charts or tables
  • All report parts are available in the user native language without extra effort in using them
  • The number of available parts will grow with each release

Some available parts

The markets chart gives a graphical representation of the distribution of the markets in the lot.

The market scheme shows the market classification tree used in the lot.

The logo part can used to brand your reports with your own company logo. This part can also be used for other complementary images.

Report Tasks
It enables the user to generate reports triggered by lot exchanges. The users can create up to twenty simultaneous tasks to generate and deliver reports when there is a lot exchange. And it can be delivered in several ways:

  • Reports can be sent to any printer on the user's network. A single report can be delivered to multiple printers using different tasks, or multiple reports can be sent to a single printer. Printed reports will use an optimized layout to save resources and enhance readability.
  • As PDF or HMTL documents to a predefined file location. By using smart templates for the file locations, we make archiving the lot reports easy and maintenance free.

By using multiple tasks our user can have reports in different languages depending on the audience of the report.

In this example we generate five reports in different languages to the printer and file locations when exchanging the lot.

Flow Master Premium Update: Product Quality Inspector

The Product Quality Inspector (PQI) enables the user to inspect the product vision quality measurement system in real-time. This is done by selecting a product in the live strip. The strip shows live products with the most relevant views for the overall score.
When selecting a product, the PQI shows the product detail in high resolution in all available views and cameras. 

For example in color. 

For example in an infrared image.

We show the scores of the parameter on the products. When looking for a specific parameter for instance Bruises, the PQI can show annotations on the images. Annotations are marked areas on the product where the camera system identifies the parameter. By looking at the scores and the annotations the user can get a deeper understanding why a product is classified in a certain way.

Sometimes the defect is barely visible in the colour image, but the annotation will show something is detected. When switching to the infrared image the annotation clearly shows the problem spot. Switching between the different types of images is easy with the switch of a button.

To make the search for a product easier the PQI has the possibility to filter on parameter-classifications, outlet and lane. When there is unexpected behaviour in the classification of a product the PQI has functions to save a product, or batches of products for reprocessing or deeper investigation.

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