Flow Master premium release 1.32

25 February 2025

Every few months, we will update you with the latest improvements and enhancements available in the paid version, Flow Master Premium. Please note that these updates are not included in the Basic version, although the system will always remain functional. Updates are delivered via an online connection and can be installed without the need for Helpdesk support. If you're interested in upgrading your system, please contact us per e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone: +31 88 668 8080.

The following feaures are new in Flow Master premium version:
1. Product Quality Inspector
2. Hide disabled quality parameters
3. Usage of multiple screens with Flow Master
4. Virtual Packages in the Report Engine
5. Dynamic Color Sorting

1. Product Quality Inspector

The Product Quality Inspector (PQI) enables the user to inspect the product vision quality measurement system in real-time. This is done by selecting a product in the live strip on top. The strip shows live products with the most relevant views for the overall score. 

product quality inspector

When selecting a product, the PQI shows the product detail in high resolution in all available views and cameras. For example, the colour and the infrared image. When looking for a specific parameter for instance Bruises, the PQI can show annotations on the images. Annotations are marked areas on the product where the camera system identifies the parameter. Not all filters can provide a detailed annotation, but we can always mark the image that is most relevant with a large rectangle. By looking at the scores and the annotations the user can get a deeper understanding why a product is classified in a certain way.

product quality inspector 2
Sometimes the defect is barely visible in the colour image, but the annotation will show something is detected. When switching to the infrared image the annotation clearly shows the problem spot. Switching between the different types of images is easy with the switch of a button.

To make the search for a product easier the PQI has the possibility to filter on parameterclassifications, outlet and lane. When there is unexpected behaviour in the classification of a product the PQI has functions to save a product, or batches of products for reprocessing or deeper investigation.

Requirements for PQI
To have a smooth working PQI there are some hard and software requirements:
- Hardware - PQI is only possible on graders with quality camera systems
- Hardware - The DP’s should at least have 32 GB internal memory
- Software – The grader must use grader-v2 version 10.11.0-1(CDL5) or higher
- Software – The Sensor product configuration that supports SFB3
- Software – PQI is only available for users with a Flow Master subscription

2. Hide disabled quality parameters

To preserve space on the quality tab, we can now hide disabled quality parameters. This enhances the usability of the quality tab and allows the users to use a single program the whole season without removing non-occurring parameters from the program.

Quality tab in Flow Master
In the quality tab in Flow Master we can use a large number of parameters to create the waterfall sorting scheme. A common use is to have a program through the whole season with all parameters available. When a specific defect is not present in the produce at that moment in the season it is possible to disable it temporary to prevent errors.


Quality tab with disabled parameters
When several parameters are disabled, there is loss off screen estate and causes unnecessary scrolling. Therefore, we created a button to hide the disabled parameters. Now we can use the program throughout the season without losing overview.

qualityhidedisabledparameters 2502025

3. Usage of multiple screens with Flow Master

Our users can now use multiple screens with Flow Master. This can be done by doubleclicking on the sidebar. The external screen can be used with:
- Program editor
- Lot Management
- Order Management
- Product Quality Inspector

When using a secondary screen, the header dashboard will not be shown on the popout screens to save screen-estate and resources.

4. Virtual Packages in the Report Engine

The US vegetable/fruit industry has defined standard packages and sizes, where the size name is the number of products (within certain diameter criteria) which fit in a standard box. The Market Report part can now be configured to calculate the number of standard boxes that could have been filled with the sorted products.

virrual packages

5. Dynamic Color Sorting

With Dynamic color sorting we introduce 2 new sorting parameters that can be used in the parameter LUT (Parameter edge dialog)
- Average Backcolor
- Average Blushcolor

These parameters calculate the average color value over a time period.

dynamic coloring sorting