Flow Master is the most flexible and user-friendly system on the market. It enables our customers to manage their sorting and packing needs with remarkable simplicity and efficiency. The system is available in two versions: Basic and Premium. For new machines, the premium version is included for the first year of use. After one year, Aweta charges an annual fee to continue using the premium version.
Every few months, we will update you with the latest improvements and enhancements available in the paid version, Flow Master Premium. Please note that these updates are not included in the Basic version, although the system will always remain functional. Once the subscription expires, you can no longer upgrade to newer versions, but can continue using and reinstalling the current version. Updates won’t disrupt functionality, but some features may stop—basic functionality for operating the machine remains unaffected. Updates are delivered via an online connection and can be installed without the need for Helpdesk support. If you're interested in upgrading your system, please contact us pere-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone: + 31 88 668 8080.